Sheshunoff Information Services (SIS) was founded. Bank call report data was made public for the first time and Sheshunoff published books on every bank in the country, by state.
SIS begins offering seminars for banks to help them understand and act on the call report data to improve bank profits.
SIS introduces the CEO Affiliation Program. Non-competing banks continue to meet twice a year to share information and discuss current hot topics.
SIS begins to offer Investment Banking Services, representing buyers and sellers nationwide. SIS expands its publication offerings to include professional publications on management, compliance, operations and financial topics for banks and credit unions.
The Affiliation Program expands with a new Senior Lending Officer Affiliation.
SIS sells its professional and data publishing groups to International Thomson, now Thomson Reuters.
Technology and Operations Officer Affiliation meetings are offered for the first time.
Sheshunoff Management Services (SMS) is introduced, offering full service performance improvement and technology consulting for banks and credit unions nationwide.
Sheshunoff Management Services and affiliated companies begin doing business as Sheshunoff Consulting + Solutions, a consolidated brand.
Sheshunoff Consulting + Solutions acquires the Harcourt Group of New England, Ltd, a full service Boston-based provider of risk management services, offering outsourced solutions for financial institutions throughout the Northeast.
Sheshunoff Consulting + Solutions acquires Bennington Partners, a full service loan review firm initially concentrated in New England, which served first the greater NY and Philadelphia regions and then expanded nationally.
Sheshunoff Consulting + Solutions’ CEO, Gabrielle Sheshunoff Bekink, forms DKG Media, LP. DKG produces webinars for the financial services industry (Bankers Web), as well as for human resources, non-profit and education.
Sheshunoff Consulting + Solutions introduces the Online Compliance Consulting (Hotline) service, offering banks and credit unions premier research and support in an online dashboard format to help them adhere to the ever increasing consumer regulatory compliance requirements.
The current organization now services over 500 banks each year, with a wide variety of investment banking, educational, and Affiliation services.